Throughout the past weekend we have been so very aware of the life, death and rising of Margaret Dick. And so have very many others through cards, emails, texts, telephone calls and personal contact. We are so thankful to each and every one, for every word and loving sentiment. The highlight of the weekend Memorial (including a visual display honoring Margaret in chapel) was the Fourth Sunday of Easter celebrated Saturday afternoon; 15 gathered to remember and to give thanks. It was Good Shepherd Sunday. In John’s Gospel, Ch 10, the expression “lay down life” is repeated five times in only seven verses. This was readily seen as a way to understand from a faith perspective how Margaret left this world. And it was readily seen that giving one’s self away did not happen only two years ago, but was a long-time way of life for her; that is, to lay down her life so many times in so many ways throughout her nearly 82 years. Many of us no...